By Stephan Mardyks


You're standing at a crossroads, right? You've got this decision to make, one that could completely reshape your personal or professional journey ahead. It's that thrilling moment when life tosses many options your way.

We've all had those moments, standing at life's crossroads, wondering which path to take. It's like being lost in a forest with no compass. But what if I told you that you have an internal compass, your very own North Star, ready to guide you?

Join me on a journey to tap into your North Star and make bolder decisions.

1. Listen to Your Gut

Remember those moments when a persistent gut feeling warned you not to trust someone, and in the end, your intuition proved to be absolutely correct? That's your North Star guiding you – your innate instinct often knows what's best even before your conscious mind catches up, preventing you from a potential nightmare.

2. Embrace Stillness

Meet Charlotte, a friend who swears by her morning ritual of sipping tea on her quiet balcony, away from her bustling household. In these serene moments, she finds clarity. Discover your own oasis of calm, whether it's a leisurely walk, a prayer, a brief meditation, or simply gazing out of a window.

3. Trust Your Instincts

Remember when you chose that perfect gift for a friend despite everyone else's suggestions? It turned out to be a hit, right? Trusting yourself means believing that you inherently know what the best option is.

4. Ditch the External Noise

Have you noticed that your best ideas often arise during a shower, away from the incessant pings of your phone? Sometimes, to hear your North Star clearly, you must mute the entire world, even if only temporarily.

5. Reflect on Past Successes

Recall the decision to take up a hobby class even when you were hesitant to try something new? Now, it's your cherished weekend activity. Reflecting on past decisions, especially the successful ones, can boost your confidence in making future choices.


6. Seek Feedback, but trust Your North Star

It's beneficial to seek a second opinion… but remember: it's just that—an opinion. Always remember that your North Star should guide your final decision. Remember when you decided to take that spontaneous weekend getaway to a place you'd never been despite your friends' skepticism? It turned out to be an unforgettable adventure filled with amazing memories.

7. Celebrate Your Good Decisions

When you make a decision that turns out to be a resounding success, celebrate it! Whether it's indulging in your favorite dessert or doing a joyful little dance, acknowledging your good decisions reinforces your trust in your North Star.

Tapping into your North Star isn't about lofty ideals. It's about everyday choices, both big and small. It's about recognizing that you possess the innate ability to make decisions aligned with your true self and purpose.

So, the next time you find yourself grappling with a decision, remember these seven steps. Your North Star is right there, ready to show you the way.

What immediate applications can you find for this in your life?

Let's Get Moving!


Copyright © 2023 Decision-Making Done

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- Celinda Appleby,  Director, Global Talent Attraction - Visa

“Stephan Mardyks is a tremendously insightful thinker who is also immensely practical. His M.O.V.E framework is a brilliant way to make excellent decisions quickly and confidently because everything flows from the choices we make.”

-  Stephen M. R. Covey, The New York Times and #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Speed of Trust and Trust & Inspire

“Stephan Mardyks is one of the most dynamic business leaders out there. In this transformative book, you’ll uncover practical techniques and a fresh approach to decision-making. What I love most about the M.O.V.E framework is that it can be applied to both our professional and personal life to immediately boost productivity. A must-read!”

- Marielle Legair, Keynote Speaker and LinkedIn Top Voice


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