By Stephan Mardyks


It's 3 a.m., and I find myself tossing and turning in bed. A choice I made earlier haunts me, playing on a loop with the accusing voice whispering: "What was I thinking?" "What have I done?" "I should have handled it better"… reminding me of a lapse in judgment.

We've all been there, haven't we?
Those long, restless nights wrestling with regret.

For me, it was the decision to enter into an international business partnership with someone I thought I could implicitly trust. As I lay there, unable to escape the shadows of uncertainty, I couldn't help but wonder, "What was I thinking?"

In moments like these, it's not the analytical, positive, problem-solving part of my mind that's active. No, it's self-doubt, second-guessing, and the desire to turn back time.


But what if there's a way to navigate this maze to ensure our future choices lead to peaceful, restful nights?

Join me as I open up about my journey and share the seven steps that have helped me move from the depths of “What Was I Thinking?” and regain the serenity of peaceful sleep.

In short, making smarter decisions:

Step 1: Understanding My Decision-Making Process

To improve my decision-making, I had first to understand how I made decisions. Were my choices often impulsive, or did I obsess over every detail? Did I rely on cold, hard facts, or did intuition guide me? Were my decisions based on ego or emotionally driven? Recognizing my patterns and potential biases was the first step toward transformation.

Step 2: Silencing the World Around Me ("Me-Time")

For me, it was about taking control and disconnecting from a world that never stops talking.

This step also involved gathering relevant data, facts, and information pertinent to the decision I needed to make.

Step 3: Embracing Forward-Thinking

After years of studying the field of decision-making, I noticed that great decision-makers don't get bogged down by past mistakes. Instead, they're always looking ahead, spotting opportunities even in chaos.
They perceive nuances that others might miss.

Step 4: Having a Clear Head

Clarity often emerges from order. By laying out my decision-making process, I could see the bigger picture, making the path forward more evident. What were the potential consequences? What risks lurked in the shadows?

In the words of David Allen, "Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them."

Ensuring that my decision aligns with my North Star, purpose, and values provided the compass I needed to navigate the complexities with confidence.

Step 5: Highlighting the Positives

Every choice has potential benefits. By spotlighting the positive outcomes, I not only motivated myself but also ensured that my decisions were balanced and well-informed.

Step 6: Managing Risks


Every choice comes with its set of risks, a domino effect. Identifying and preparing for them was crucial. What could potentially go wrong? And if it did, how could I mitigate the fallout? Being prepared gave me the confidence to stand by my decisions, come what may.

Step 7: Validating My Thinking

Although it was challenging, I recognized the importance of thoroughly testing and validating my assumptions, as well as remaining receptive to criticism and alternative viewpoints.

This was a pivotal step in my journey from sleepless nights to peace of mind.

As I delved deeper into the intricacies of decision-making, I realized the need for a comprehensive guide, leading to the creation of my book and the M.O.V.E. Framework. It's not just about making decisions; it's about making decisions that you won't regret.

So, the next time you find yourself lying awake, tormented by "What was I thinking?" moments, remember that you have the tools to navigate these murky waters. With the M.O.V.E. Framework, you can ensure that your future decisions lead to contentment, not regret. Say goodbye to those sleepless nights.

Enjoy the peace of mind and confidence that you've done everything in your power and control to make the best decision possible.

What immediate applications can you find for this in your life?

Let's Get Moving!


Copyright © 2023 Decision-Making Done

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- Celinda Appleby,  Director, Global Talent Attraction - Visa

“Stephan Mardyks is a tremendously insightful thinker who is also immensely practical. His M.O.V.E framework is a brilliant way to make excellent decisions quickly and confidently because everything flows from the choices we make.”

-  Stephen M. R. Covey, The New York Times and #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Speed of Trust and Trust & Inspire

“Stephan Mardyks is one of the most dynamic business leaders out there. In this transformative book, you’ll uncover practical techniques and a fresh approach to decision-making. What I love most about the M.O.V.E framework is that it can be applied to both our professional and personal life to immediately boost productivity. A must-read!”

- Marielle Legair, Keynote Speaker and LinkedIn Top Voice


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