By Stephan Mardyks


When decisions are made efficiently at all levels, project delays are reduced, and strategies are implemented faster.

But, here's the issue:

Many of us have critical decisions to make, yet we often hesitate for various reasons, from procrastination to avoiding mistakes or reluctance to rock the boat.

As Peter Drucker once said,

"Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision."

Behind every thriving business activity are individuals, teams, and leaders who have mastered the skill of making decisive moves.

This involves striking a balance between calculated, bold, and courageous decisions, all backed up by thorough risk and mitigation analysis.

To facilitate acceleration, ask these two game-changing questions:

- What decisions are holding things back?
- What's standing in the way?

By addressing these questions, you'll achieve these seven outcomes:

- Improved effectiveness and efficiency
- Increased speed, agility, and engagement
- Enhanced trust, transparency, and clarity
- Empowerment, inclusion, and well-being
- Accelerated teaming and collaboration
- Managed and mitigated risk
- Consistency and alignment.

By confronting the critical decisions that need to be made and supporting one another in making them, you'll build a continuous momentum of bold choices guided by both offensive and defensive strategies.

Alright, how about we back each other up?
Are there any bold decisions you can make today to get closer to your goals?

Are you ready to uncover your Decision-Maker Profile?

Catch your breakthrough and let the chips fall where they may!


Copyright © 2023 Decision-Making Done

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"This is your gateway to success. Powerful, practical, captivating, and easy to implement in any context."
- Celinda Appleby,  Director, Global Talent Attraction - Visa

“Stephan Mardyks is a tremendously insightful thinker who is also immensely practical. His M.O.V.E framework is a brilliant way to make excellent decisions quickly and confidently because everything flows from the choices we make.”

-  Stephen M. R. Covey, The New York Times and #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Speed of Trust and Trust & Inspire

“Stephan Mardyks is one of the most dynamic business leaders out there. In this transformative book, you’ll uncover practical techniques and a fresh approach to decision-making. What I love most about the M.O.V.E framework is that it can be applied to both our professional and personal life to immediately boost productivity. A must-read!”

- Marielle Legair, Keynote Speaker and LinkedIn Top Voice


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