By Stephan Mardyks


At 6:00 am, Max checked his emails and messages before going to the gym, as he did every morning.

Among the countless emails, one subject line captured Max's interest: 'Take The Quiz Now. Breakthrough In 3 Minutes.'

Intrigued, Max wondered what this could be about.

My friend Max is fearless. He is a risk-taker, likes speed, and wants to avoid being bogged down by details and thorough data analyses.

His motto?

"Think fast, move faster, and let the chips fall where they may."

But lately, those chips weren't falling as favorably as they used to.

At home, Max's family felt sidelined and uninformed, while his team at work grew frustrated and disengaged. They couldn't comprehend why Max had agreed to such an impossible deadline.

So, when the intriguing subject line promising a breakthrough caught Max's attention, he couldn't resist.

In less than three minutes, he answered the 12 quiz questions quickly, pausing only to sip his Vanilla Protein Shake.

Reflecting on the questions and his quiz results at the gym, Max had a breakthrough during his fourth rep at the bench press.

What had been holding him back?

The quiz, centered on the Decision-Maker Profile (DMP), offered Max a new perspective on the domino effects and ramifications of his decisions. Suddenly, Max recalled someone telling him that now was the time to transition from 'Me' to 'We.'

For Max, it was about personal growth, career advancement, and building better relationships, like consulting with his team and his family before making significant decisions and considering the ripple effects on each member.

For you, it may be something different. One thing's for certain, though: Now is the time.

Are you ready to uncover your Decision-Maker Profile?

Catch your breakthrough and let the chips fall where they may!


Copyright © 2023 Decision-Making Done

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"This is your gateway to success. Powerful, practical, captivating, and easy to implement in any context."
- Celinda Appleby,  Director, Global Talent Attraction - Visa

“Stephan Mardyks is a tremendously insightful thinker who is also immensely practical. His M.O.V.E framework is a brilliant way to make excellent decisions quickly and confidently because everything flows from the choices we make.”

-  Stephen M. R. Covey, The New York Times and #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Speed of Trust and Trust & Inspire

“Stephan Mardyks is one of the most dynamic business leaders out there. In this transformative book, you’ll uncover practical techniques and a fresh approach to decision-making. What I love most about the M.O.V.E framework is that it can be applied to both our professional and personal life to immediately boost productivity. A must-read!”

- Marielle Legair, Keynote Speaker and LinkedIn Top Voice


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